Today I had this weird epiphany...not sure if it comes with my new age or not getting enough sleep:) I decided to do a mind and body cleanse. I want to do a body cleanse because I'm getting older and life is short. I want to live a long and HEALTHY life. I want to treat my body like it is my temple. Although I'm a generally healthy person, with all the traveling and partying I've done recently, my health has taken a back seat. Lack of sleep, poor nutrition decisions, and a hiatus from the gym have left me feeling sluggish and in need of refreshment- THUS the body cleanse.
I picked up a few goodies today to add to my "health collection" as I like to call it. There's really no rhyme or reason to it but just putting things in my body to cleanse, detoxify, and nourish it. That means fresh and healthy foods, cleansing teas, and regular exercise. I'm also thinking of switching up my regular gym routine to do morning yoga sessions.
I decided to do a mind cleanse because I want to treat my mind as well as I treat my body. I want to feed my mind good things also. I focus my life on so many material things (fashion, beauty, hair, makeup, etc.) which is fine because it makes me happy. BUT I don't want to lose focus of the most important things in life: God, family, wholeness, peace, happiness, etc. While cleansing my body, I also want to cleanse my mind and my soul. I'm so busy and consumed with everything on my plate that I forget to take time to myself and just enjoy the simple things in life or thank God for all my blessings.
I picked up this book by Joel Osteen called Every Day a Friday. It touches on happiness, forgiveness, gratitude, perseverance- just everything positive you can think of. I was blown away when I strummed through it in the store. I love Joel Osteen's ministry and I hear awesome things about his books, so I can't wait to read this.
When u begin each day in faith, anticipating something good, God tells the angels to go to work and to arrange things in your favor. He gives you breaks, lines up the right people, and opens the right doors- Joel Osteen |
I'm also cleansing my mind by keeping more peace in my heart and home. This means turning my cell phone on vibrate, turning off the music and listening to silence in the car, taking time to read and do devotions, have a cup of tea, and spending less time watching tv and more with myself. I found that if I "declutter" my life a little bit, my mind is clearer and I feel more at peace:)
I'm not sure exactly how long or how often I will do this cleanse. It was kind of a spur of the moment but very much needed idea. If I'm motivated to do so, I will do more mind and body cleanse posts!
I love this! Just found your blog - so joyful and positive :)