Hmmm didn't see this one coming huh? That's right Vanessa officially filed for divorced and is taking what is "rightfully hers" after a tumultuous and very publicly scandalous marriage. Not many people can argue with the fact that Nessa put up with more than most. But I guess that $4 million dollar apology ring kept her warm at night. No? Ok.

At we are always in quest of the bigger picture. So you know I have to ask. What effect does this have on people's opinions of marriage and pre-nups? I personally feel that Vanessa deserves every bit of what she will get. She helped build Kobe's empire and withstood worldwide humiliation. Give her all of it!
Many people fail to understand just how much athletes' wives do and put up with behind the scenes. Sure its all glitz and glamour in the media's eye, but the wives are the ones who deal with last minute trades, nursing injuries, groupies, and hearing him complain after a loss. Can we give these women an award?
But there are those who also believe to whom much is given, much is required. There is a price to pay for living in the lap of luxury. Gold diggers beware! At the end of the day however, money couldn't mask the pain, hurt, and shame Vanessa dealt with as a result of her husband's cheating ways. Money can't buy you happiness. Cliche, but true!

What's worse is that now Kobe may lose custody of his children and has to see his ex frollicking around with a new boo piece on her arm. And she's laughing all the way to the bank. I guess one of these days men will learn. Or maybe not.
So what is your take? Did Vanessa "earn" all that divorce money with the foolishness Kobe put her through? Or is he a dummy for not getting a pre-nup? It could go either way, but I hate to see how lightly people take marriage these days. If you're gonna sleep around why get married in the first place?
And ladies, please don't be fooled into thinking that a man will never cheat because you got a cute face and a slim waist. This is proof that even the most gorgeous of them can fall short. Love hard but be smart. Protect yourself financially and emotionally. Divorce is certainly not a walk in the park. So let's all avoid it the best we can by focusing on using our heads and not our hearts to make life-changing decisions. My heart goes out to Vanessa and her kiddos. Kobe can kick rocks.
Wow you are a really good writer, everything you said in this blog is so true. Women need to be smarter and protect themself by having their own education, career and money.