Natural to Relaxed! My Relaxed Hair Regimen

Healthy hair seems to be more of an anomaly these days than not. I however, decided to do something not only for the look, but the health of my hair. I relaxed! Watch the video to find out what my results were. In the meantime here is my newly relaxed hair regimen and some of the products I'm loving right now:
Relaxed hair can be healthy!

  • Pre-Poo 1x/week (Using either a hot oil mix or any conditioner or both!)
  • Shampoo 1x/week (Design Essentials Honey Creme Moisture Retention Shampoo)
  • Light Protein Conditioner 1x/week (Aphogee 2 Min Reconstructor)
  • Deep Condition 2x/week (Right now my hair loves Ion Swimmer's Conditioner and Aussie 3 Min Moist)
  • CoWash 2x/week (Currently Trying out As I Am Coconut Cowash. Cheapie conditioners don't seem to do the trick for me. Will update soon!)
  • Apply Leave-In Daily (Silken Child Detangler & African Pride Shea Butter Moisture Intense Leave-In)
  • Moisturize & Seal Daily (Water, Design Essentials Moisture Lotion and Moisturizing Creme, EVOO, Pure Shea Butter)
  • Protective Style through the week (and weekends if doing nothing) and Braid outs on the weekend
I'm new to the relaxed HHJ (healthy hair journey) so much of this is still trial and error. It's been a little over a month since I relaxed and I'm starting to learn what my hair does and doesn't like, needs and doesn't need. Surely this will change as I learn more. Hope this helps!

Old Footage Of My Hair After Taking Hairfinity | Natural Hair