What's Up With All the Celeb Divorces?

Poor Kimmie K
 Statistics now say that almost 49% of marriages in the US end up in divorce. Big shocker there. It's not just the newbies getting hammered by these statistics anymore however. Older, more established marriages are taking a hit too.

What's interesting is that statistics also say the more educated, wealthy, and older you are the greater chance that your marriage will survive. Really? 

More recently I've been appalled by the dominoe divorce effect I've seen amongst well-known couples. What's causing these power couples to go splitsville?

My intuition and life experiences tell me that these very public marriages end up in divorce due to a number of stressors atypical to "regular" marriages. But why don't they think about these things before they walk down the aisle?

 Jeezy and Andre 3000 crying "I Do I Do I Do" are getting the masses all hyped up about marriage. But do we take the time to think about what it really means? Kim Kardashian said of her divorce, "I want a family and babies and a real life so badly that maybe I rushed in to something too soon". Amen sister. Many "commoners" are guilty of the same exact thing.

We just knew yall were forever!
Many people see marriage as the ultimate romantic gesture rather than a lifestyle that forces you not only to love unconditionally, but also to make compromises and sacrafices sometimes on a daily basis. It's the coming together of two lives to become one. This means sharing the same bed, house, money, and decisions.

It all seems so romantic when you're shoving cake in each other's face, but what happens when the honeymoon is over? What happens when there's no money for bills and the rent is due? What happens when your partner is caught in a public rape case? (cough...Kobe)

Don't get me wrong. This is not meant to be a sarcastic satire on what God meant to be one of the most beautiful unions of a lifetime. I do however believe that more people need to make decisions on marriage based on their ability to withstand the pressures that come along with it.

So what makes a celeb marriage work? Not all have fallen off like a bad weave. Bey and J seem to be doing well and older couples like Will and Jada have stood the test of time despite a whirlwind of vicious rumors. While no marriage is perfect or bullet-proof, what I've realized is that those that last, especially in the public eye may be able to clue us in on what it takes to survive the world of marriage.

What are your thoughts on marriage? Does the ever-increasing divorce rate in America discourage you from your happily ever after? Or do we as Americans need to change the way we think about marriage in order to guard against its imminent extinction?


  1. Many do it for show and tell. They're too caught up in the ceremony and not focusing much attention on what it takes to possibly have a successful marriage.

  2. You're absolutely right!

  3. I think they get married while their careers are hot and heavy and everything is fun and fabulous but when their careers start to fall off and they are spending lots of time together they find that they don't really like the person they have married. Don;t know for sure, that's just what I think.
